Thursday, October 27, 2016

modern age

Direct your own energy. That is what we need in the modern age. Keep your mind tuned to new areas. Also, prepare your scene. What you want is to create a feeling of open access.

Welcome to the Future

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Buses help us save energy. I wish there were more. However, they do cost a lot of green. Politicians want to spend money. However, they prefer to build a new sports arena.

Arnhem Centraal Station blue hour lijn 6

Sunday, October 23, 2016

VW van

Gotta love the VW van. It is a symbol of freedom to many. Actually, it was popular in the hippie era. Yeah, that would be in the 60's, and the mini bus was far out man.

beach bus

Friday, October 21, 2016


Clues are often right in fron of us. It is like a box full of magic. Yet, we do not see what we do not want to see. However, it does stand before us. Hey, we need to really open our eyes.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Futuristic Architecture

Sky SweepFuturistic Architecture is all our rage. Just what makes one tower look advanced and ultra modern, while another seems so passe. Hey, we do not have all the answers.

Monday, October 17, 2016


Ford is getting into self driving cars. Do remember that it is into transportation services. Colleges, this is one new company. Yeah, it is not same.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

wave form monitor

Do not let your eyes deceive you. Often, things are not as they may seem. Here is an amazing app. Fellows, your I phone can become a light meter, wave form monitor, and false color display screen. I am using it right now. OK, so the app costs five buckaroos, but that is less than a matinee movie...  my fine ones. This awesome app should indeed open your eyes. Light really is a wave. Keep on finding more impressive apps. Certainly, this one is super max.

baby blue

Monday, October 10, 2016

more store closings

Fellows, more store closings are coming. OK, so why do we say more? Basically, they cannot compete with amazing amazon. Internet marts have both lower over head and lower prices. Result is that we will see a lot of malls going away. Already we have our automobile factories boarded up. Customers have less money every year.

Best Buy Monroe, NC

Sunday, October 2, 2016


Right now bees are an endangered species. Folks, this is so serious. They do pollinate a lot of our crops. It might indeed worry you. After all, bees are great at what they do and it is not just about honey, but about living together in this world of ours.


Saturday, October 1, 2016

more consumers

Big business has a major issue. People do not need you any more. They want to discover how to ensure more consumers. Well, that is not rocket science. Yeah, give them what they want at a nice price.
