Thursday, April 25, 2019


Lots of restaurants could be closing shop soon. There are indeed fewer consumers. Also, their appetite for food which is very expensive... that is on a wane.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos talks about the minimum wage. Oh wow, we could see more politics from amazon. After all, they could pay more. Expect this to affect small companies. They can nearly break even. Yeah, almost or near so. Do wonder if Jeff can ponder on that one.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

National Enquirer

National Enquirer was sold for 100 million just now. Hey, it was an interesting magazine. I do not dare claim that it is a newspaper. Actually, that would require... that it publish some um news. Do not believe that is part of their game. Yo, here we are.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Folding phones

Folding phones are all the rage. Basically, they fit in your own pocket but have an enormous screen. It is a technology that is seen as necessary. After all, we do like to see movies. However, on a tiny screen... they are a major pain.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

super green

Politicians are indeed promoting a new deal that is super green. Funny, I do not like nuclear power. Do remember if you can... Fukushima and  Chernobyl and you will see... that we need a new source. Friends, teachers were always pushing the wonders of atomic energy. In fact, I still remember being told about how in the future we would have plutonium power cars. Oh wow, we do not see any.

Monday, April 1, 2019

whole foods

OK, so whole foods is cutting prices. Yeah, we like this grocery. It is own via amazon. Frankly, we can save some coins.